Little man and I are listening to Quentin Corn in the car and Q, as he is called in the book, is getting ready to move into a boarding house where breakfast, dinner and supper is served. It was a great opportunity to explain the difference and similarities between dinner and super and it got me thinking...
The midday meal used to be called dinner because it was the main meal of the day. We have all heard the saying - eat the breakfast of a king, the lunch of a price and dinner of a pauper. Maybe the fact that I love a bowl of cereal for dinner/supper isn't all that far off the mark?
So, this, as with everything else in life, is a matter of mindset. I am going to start thinking of my midday meal as my main meal - dinner - and will see if this helps me as I work toward #11.
And for a fun read about the difference between dinner and supper in the south check out this post at Real Southern Men.
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